Numerical Simulations of Gaseous Detonations

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Three-dimensional Simulation

This section presents the simulation of regular oscillating H2:O2:Ar Chapman-Jouguet detonations with molar ratios 2:1:7 at T0=298 K and p0=6.67 kPa in three space dimensions.

The two-dimensional oscillating solution of the previous section is used as initial condition in a rectangular channel with cross section 3cm x 3cm. An unreacted pocket behind the detonation front is used to initiate the oscillation in the z-direction. After an initial time of about 250 microseconds the oscillations in both transverse direction are equally strong and the three-dimensional oscillation is extremely regular.

The simulation uses Godunov-splitting for the incorporation of the source term and for the dimensional extension of a hybrid Roe-HLL scheme with MUSCL reconstruction. Automatic time step adjustment for CCFL = 0.95, Van Albada-limiter, 16.8 Pts/lig. Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement with AMROC with two additional refinement levels (refinement factors 2,3). Computational time was 3550 h CPU time on Athlon 1.4GHz.

Image pics/cells3d/level660_620.gif

Detonation structure plotted on refinement grids.

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last update: 06/10/03