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Grids, Algorithms and Reuse

Grids are geometric data structures for representing certain subdivisions of space. They are used in numerical solution of partial differential equations (finite element or finite volume methods), computer graphics, computational geometry, geometric modeling, or geographic information systems. In each of these areas, they are known by differing names, like mesh, subdivision, triangulation, cell or simplicial complex, BRep, or planar straight line graph (PSLG), to name just a few.

There is, however, a common underlying mathematical concept unifying (most of) these different notions, namely the CW-complex of combinatorial topology.

Software development in the domain of geometric computing is notoriously hard, and reuse of algorithms is particularly difficult to achieve. This stems from the literally thousand of possibilities of representing such grids which are found throughout geometric software. Therefore, implementations of algorithms are tied very closely to the concrete data structure they are written for. As an example, consider the following algorithm, which calculates the surface of each cell in a grid (e.g. for 2D triangulation, this is the perimeter of each triangle in the grid):

A simple algorithm calculating cell surfaces

Here G is a grid of dimension d, Gd is the set of its cells (elements of dimension d), and a facet is an element of dimension d-1.

This algorithm is completely independent of any concrete grid representation; it works for any dimension, for triangles as well as for general polygons as cells, and it does not care whether cells are stored in arrays or lists, or even given implicitely as in a cartesian grid.

Now consider what happens when we implement this algorithm for a given grid data structure. Let us assume we have a simple data structure for a 2D triangulation where cell-vertex incidences are stored in a plain array cells, such that cells[3*c +v] gives the index of the v'th vertex of cell c. Likewise, the array geom is assumed to hold the coordinates of vertex v. A possible implementation could be the following:

   double * surf = new double[nc];
   for(c = 0; c < nc; ++c) 
     surf[c] = 0.0;
     for(vc = 0; vc < 3; ++vc) 
       int vc1 = (vc+1)%3;
       double dx = (geom[2*cells[3*c+vc ]   ] - geom[2*cells[3*c+vc1]   ]);
       double dy = (geom[2*cells[3*c+vc ]+1 ] - geom[2*cells[3*c+vc1] +1]);
       surf[c] +=  sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);

Evidently, any generality is lost. This is perhaps not an issue for this trivial algorithm, but most algorithm are somewhat more complex. And there is a lot of algorithms operating on grids one might want to use. So ...what can one do? The idea is to exploit the common underlying structure of grids in order to create an abstract grid interface. Algorithms will be implemented on top of this interface, much like STL algorithms are implemented on top of iterators and do not use directly the way data is stored e.g. in a list.

Guntram Berti

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