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Grid Element Function Concept

The Grid Element Function concept models the mathematical concept of a mapping from grid elements of some fixed type (vertex, edge, cell) which is a model of Grid Element, to values of some type T.
Refinement of
STL Adaptable Unary Function
F is a type which is a model of Grid Element Function
f is an object of type F
e, e1, e2 are objects of F::element_type
t is an object of F::value_type
Associated types
Name Expression Description
element type F::element_type type of the underlying element,

model of Grid Element

synonym for F::argument_type (from Adaptable Unary Function)

value type F::value_type synomym for F::result_type

(from Adaptable Unary Function)

Valid Expressions
No new ones, besides those from Adaptable Unary Function
Name Expression Type requirements return type
function evaluation t = f(e);   value_type
Expression semantics
The semantics of function evaluation are more restrictive than those for Adaptable Unary Function see the notes belowX.
Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
evaluation t = f(e) e is in the domain of f evaluate f at the argument e t is equal to f(e)X
Argument identity if e1 == e2 then f(e1) is equal to f(e2) X
Grid Function
cell_nb_degree defined in grid-functors.h.
  1. The important difference to STL function objects is that the latter are not guaranteed to deliver the same result for subsequent evaluations on the same argument.
  2. The type F::value_type is not required to be STL Equality Comparable If it is, then e1 == e2 implies f(e1) == f(e2).
See also
Grid Function  

Guntram Berti

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