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GrAL packages.
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Index to GrAL Modules
GrAL is partitioned from the beginning into manageable with units with (hopefully) minimized dependencies.
The recommended way of browsing the documentation is by (sub-) module hierarchy.
Here are the separate packages of GrAL:
Basic, non-grid related modules
- Configuration module: collect comman make targets and variable, compiler config header etc.
- Utilities module: Very basic stuff used by most other modules.
- Sequence module: Contains some stuff for handling containers, sequences and algorithms.
- ExternalControl module: Controling runtime parameters in a uniform and hierarchical way.
- Geometry module: some geometric primitives
Proper GrAL Modules
- Intro and concepts documentation
- Basic stuff
- GrAL-Base module: Basis generic data structures and algorithms. This module is used by all other GrAL modules.
- GrAL-Testing module. Used to test concrete grid components.
- Concrete grid data structures
- Distributed grids for parallel computing
- I/O to various formats
Copyright (c)
Guntram Berti
See the GrAL Homepage
for up-to-date information.
Generated at Tue Feb 26 16:01:25 2002
for GrAL Global Index
1.2.11-20011104 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000